Whatever higher beings you might believe in, pray to them for my dad, who is having most of his cancerous kidney removed today. I love you Daddy. Get better.
*Update* Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. My dad pulled through the surgery, and there were no surprises. Now, if he'll just stay in bed for the next 3 weeks, and not try and go fix the deck or something...
I think they're pretty sure they'll be able to save his kidney. The tumor is supposedly small enough that they won't have to do the nephrectomy (>4 cm). If they get in there and discover that its grown to 4cm or greater, then they will take out the kidney.
I had no idea your dad was sick, Suzie. Your family is definitely in our thoughts... keep us posted!
Best wishes. Prayers.
Thinking about and praying for you and your dad, Suzie!
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