Lies. All of it. I want nothing more of this no-central-heating-in-January nonsense. The only real heater we have is in our bedroom (which, coincidentally, is why our 10-month old still sleeps in our room, and yes, sometimes our romantic), plus a space heater on its last leg in the living room. But absolutely nothing for the ice age taking place in this computer room. Honestly, I think this is why I'm not blogging. Not emailing. Not doing ANYTHING I don't ABSOLUTELY have to do on the computer. Just going to the bathroom is torture enough. When I wake up at night my thought process goes something like, "Maybe if I just lay on my side and squeeze a pillow between my knees, I'll be able to fall back asleep. WHY WHY WHY did I drink that hot lemonade before bed?!?! Oh, I know, BECAUSE MY LIPS WERE FROZEN TO MY TEETH!!!"
In Kansas, my parents kept their house at a balmy 60-65 degrees in the winter. Any complaint about the cold would earn a "throw on another layer!" from my mom. Well Mom, I can honestly say I've thrown on as many as I can fit in. I can't lower my arms to my sides. I can't move my toes or cross my legs. It takes me 10 minutes to go to the bathroom. Oh, and I look like this:
Japan, I love you. We've had great times together. But paper doors? Really? Is that the best you can do?? I could go on and on, but my fingers are getting frostbite.
You know, something I learned from Dad was that the best writing happens when you're not trying. People grappling with big emotional issues or grand theoretical philosophies tend to handle them poorly, but given a simple subject: watching an inmate eat macaroni, picking the fungus off your toes, or bitching about the cold....yield much greater dividends than the over-ambitious. Good writing Suz. -Your big brother
Thanks Mark. That means a lot.
That sounds absolutely miserable.
Come visit in Denver! It's gotten up to 70 degrees for the past three days. :o)
Ha!! Remember it well. I used to get so mad about how cold I was inside. I'm actually kind of cold here too, we have like, bottom of the floor heaters in each room. I don't think it's as bad as you have it though. Where in Takamatsu do you guys live? Don't worry, it will get warm soon! Are you extending another year?
We're living a couple blocks north of where you used to live - same street. Yes, we're extending again! Ha! Gluttons for punishment!
I do not understand Japan's lack of insulation. In our house that we lived in there, the temp inside our house was actually colder than the temp outside! It was awful. Korea's a little better, but still as nasty and germ-filled as carpet is, There is something to be said for the warmth it brings. Oh yeah, and insulated walls too.
Also, our heating bill in Japan was like 150 dollars! For that house. We quickly learned to turn it off, because we were paying for almost no effect.
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